Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)
BIR Issues IRRs for Amendments In Relation to Ease of Paying Taxes
BIR Issues Amendments In Relation to Ease of Paying Taxes

The BIR issues implementing rules and regulations (IRRs) in relation with the changes brought by the Ease of Paying Taxes (EOPT) Law.

BIR Clarifies Issues on Cross-border Services Rendered by NRFCs
BIR Clarifies Issues on Cross-border Services Rendered by NRFCs

In this advisory, the RMC released by BIR aims to clarify the Issues on the taxability of cross-border services rendered by NRFCs.

Year-End Tax Compliance in the Philippines

This comprehensive guide will assist you in the year-end tax compliance in the Philippines.

Tax Annualization For Employees and Consultants
[Event] Tax Annualization for Employees and Consultants

This event will discuss the relevance of employee annualization and Income Tax Return (ITR) for those individuals who are self-employed.

BIR Approves NIRI Deadline Extension

The BIR grants an extension to the deadline to replace the old ARN with the new Notice to Issue Receipts/Invoice (NIRI).

Updates on the Latest Regulations and Procedures of PEZA, BOI, and How to Deal with the BIR LOA

This event will guide entrepreneurs doing and seeking business in the Philippines about the latest government updates and procedures.